If you have surplus electronic components that you would like to sell you’ve come to the right place! PCC has three programs to help solve surplus inventory problems, be sure to check OUTRIGHT PURCHASE, REVENUE SHARING, and OTHER PROGRAMS. Everything else in this section is just here to show you what you probably already know by now, you can trust the crew in blue to sell your inventory.
Why you can trust PC Components, the crew in blue, to sell your excess inventory.
How to Select an Independent Distributor to Sell your Excess – Interview Questions
Selling your inventory on a consignment basis is serious business, and selecting the right company is the most important decision that you’ll need to make. All companies who sell on the open market are not equal. These questions will help you make your decision.
FastCash™ (Outright Purchase) Program
If you would like to sell your inventory of surplus electronic components and want immediate cash then read about our outright purchase program.
EasyCash™ Program (Consignment)
If you would like to sell your inventory of surplus electronic components and want the best return then read about our EasyCash consignment program.
FairCash™ Program (Outright Purchase with Cash-Back Rebate)
If you would like to sell your inventory of surplus electronic components and would like cash up front so you can get the inventory off your books, along with some of the benefits of a consignment program then read about our FairCash program.
Here’s What the Industry is Saying About PC Components
Read what other companies in the industry are saying about PC Components! You’ll see that even our competitors trust the crew in blue.
Consignment Works
Illustrates why sending a surplus list to lots of distributors doesn’t work as well as picking someone you trust and staying with them.
Independent Distributor Exit Strategies
A some point every business owner needs to think about exit strategy. What are you going to do when you get tired of answering the phone at 4PM and talking to a customer who absolutely must have his order ship today? We can help.
Invitation to Visit
See us in action! We’re real people in a real facility and we love to give perspective customers a tour. Visit us in the morning and enjoy the rest of the day on the beach at the Jersey Shore!
Market Analysis Report Request
Request a free Market Analysis Report to determine what your inventory is worth on the open market.