Industry Services MenuPCC is in an excellent position to help the industry develop standards as it has been selling electronic component parts on the open market since 1984. We have an extensive database of information as well as state of the art tools developed for our own business. This section describes tools that PCC intends to share with the industry in return for increased web traffic.The tools are free so please bookmark our site and tell your colleagues about tools that you find useful.

This section is a work in progress. Some of the tools are still experimental and others are planned for a future release. Use the president’s feedback page to tell us what you think of each tool that you use and which tools you would like to see released next! Your opinions and ideas absolutely will make a difference!

Logo Identification
Use this tool to identify a manufacturer from his logo. Logos used on both part markings and labels are included.

Manufacturer Contact Information
This page includes the contact information that we have in our database including website and corporate headquarters as well as merger and acquisition information when available, short names, and logos used.

Hot Parts
Here’s a list of the highest demand top 100 parts that we have in stock. These are parts that customers are searching to buy.
Results can be used to evaluate market trends and anticipate component shortages.
The data shown is based on the prior 72 hour period and is displayed in real time.

Outsourcing Calculator
Here’s a list of the highest demand top 100 parts that we have in stock. These are parts that customers are searching to buy.
Results can be used to evaluate market trends and anticipate component shortages.
The data shown is based on the prior 72 hour period and is displayed in real time.

Part Number Verification Tool
This tool checks the manufacturer’s part numbers against the manufacturer’s data sheet and reports whether the part number entered is valid and properly formatted. In addition, the tool generates a written description of the part number.

Pricing Tool
Allows you to enter a part number, or a list of part numbers, and provides the franchise pricing that we have in our database. Limitations exist to unregistered guests and guests who are not currently participating in one of PCC’s Revenue Sharing Services.

Standard Manufacturer Short Names
Provides a cross-reference list that shows the full name of each component manufacturer in our database and the short form of the component manufacturer’s name that is used by PCC and other leading distributors.

Manufacturer Name Tool
This tool allows you to enter a the short name of a manufacturer that is commonly used and provides the most likely full manufacturer name as well as the PCC standard short form. For example, regardless whether you enter NAT”, “National”, “National Semi”, Nat Semi, or NSC the tool will return the Full Name of National Semiconductor Corporation with a short name of “NSC”.

Supply and Demand Tool
This tool allows you to enter a list of part numbers and then provides a real-time report with supply and demand information. This tool is available to registered users who are participating in any of PCC’s Revenue Sharing Programs.

Glossary of Terms
Thanks to the Independent Distributors of Electronics Association (IDEA) we are able to publish a list of industry standard terms and definitions in order to help improve communication amongst companies in the industry.


Please use our feedback form to comment on the usefulness of this section and to make requests for changes or new tools to be released. The use of this form insures that you feedback will get to the proper person.


The information in this section is released to the public domain free of charge although it is copyrighted by PC Components. Feel free to use or publish the information as you desire as long as you include the PC Components Company, LLC copyright notice and as long as you do not modify the information without permission in any way. We have made our best effort to provide information that is accurate however such tools and information is provided AS-IS without warranty either expressed or implied. PCC can not be held liable for any damages or losses caused by the use of the tools and information provided even if such loss is due to our error, omission, or lack of competence.