Quality Assurance
PC Components is an ISO 9000 company and is certified to ISO 9001:2008. This means PCC has a Quality Management System (QMS) which is audited by a company accredited by ANAB who is recognized by the International Standards Organization (ISO).
Quality Assurance
New employees must demonstrate that they understand ESD and other concerns before they are permitted to handle inventory. Our training program is based on the ESD Control for Material Handlers Training (DVD-77C) DVD. Employees must pass PCC’s Quality Inspector Exam before they can become an inspector. The PCC inspection process is a 97-step process, which is based on the 72-step process defined in IDEA-1005-D. All inspectors are required to pass the IDEA-ICE-3000 exam and become certified professional inspectors before they may perform final inspection on any product to be delivered to a customer.
Purchasing agents who buy from PCC have reason to expect much higher quality because PCC has incorporated the use of IDEA-STD-1010 in its quality manual and it always has at least one IDEA-ICE-3000 certified inspector on-site at each shipping location. This means the chances that our customers may receive a substandard or suspect product have been vastly reduced.
In addition, companies who purchase product from PCC know that PCC has addressed storage requirements and has a moisture sensitivity program in place. A moisture sensitivity program is especially important today as RoHS compatible manufacturing processes require more heat than pre-RoHS processes. These higher temperatures have been demonstrated to cause increased component failure rates due to internal damage from expanding moisture inside the component during soldering.
Finally, PCC provides increased confidence that purchased product has not been exposed to damage due to ESD as it is ANSI/ESD S20.20 certified. Proper handling of static-sensitive components has always been important to the industry as improper handling has been proved to cause reliability issues. This concern has been amplified today as new generations of components employ shrinking geometries making them more susceptible to ESD damage than the more robust components of the past.
IDEA Member Pride
PCC is an active member of the Independent Distributors of Electronics Association (IDEA), which is a very exclusive organization who’s membership consists of only the industry’s most respected quality and ethically oriented independent distributors.